

The Bizarre Phenomenon of Sundowning

Sundowning isn’t a disease. It’s a group of symptoms that occur at a specific time of the day. These symptoms may affect people with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. The exact cause of this behavior is unknown.

Sundowning is not a sleep disorder but rather a symptom of another sleep disorder. Night terrors, parasomnias and REM sleep behavior disorder are all linked to sundown syndrome.

The following are the most common symptoms of sundowning:

– Anxiety

– Agitation

– Irritability

– Paranoia

– Hallucinations

What is Sundowning and How to Handle the Symptoms?

Sundowning is a sleep disorder that happens when the brain has difficulty adjusting to the transition from wakefulness to sleep. People with this condition often experience confusion and disorientation, anxiety, agitation, hallucinations and delusions.

Sundowning can happen in both children and adults; however, it is more common among seniors. The most common triggers for sundowning are stress, lack of social interaction or lack of physical activity.

Recently, I suffered a mild stroke and ended up in a skilled nursing facility for rehab. My neighbor is an elderly woman who explodes almost every evening around dinner with cursing and yelling at the staff in both Spanish and English.

Sometimes she wheels herself into my room and starts messing with stuff. I have even seen her hit a Physical Therapist.

The best way to handle sundowning is by taking preventative measures such as getting enough sleep during the day, avoiding caffeine late in the day and staying active during the day. If you suspect that someone you know might be experiencing sundown syndrome symptoms then you should try to help them get back on track with their daily routine by helping them get some rest or taking a nap.

How Can it Be Treated?

Sundowning is a common symptom of dementia, which can be treated with the proper care.

Sundowning is a common symptom of dementia that can be treated by providing the appropriate care. It is a phenomenon in which people with dementia become restless and agitated in the evening hours. The symptoms are often misdiagnosed as sleep disorders or depression, but it can be identified through careful observation and awareness.

Some studies show a small dose of melatonin may help alleviate the symptoms of “sundowning” (i.e. increased confusion during nighttime hours) by producing sleepiness, or by using a combination of light exposure during the day and at night to contrast it.

It’s possible that a medication side effect, pain, depression or other medical condition could be contributing to sundowning. Talk with your loved one’s health care provider if you suspect that an underlying condition, such as a urinary tract infection or sleep apnea, might be worsening sundowning behavior, especially if sundowning develops quickly.

It was thought that sundowning was caused by the lowering of the sun’s light. However, it is possible that a drug side effect, pain, depression or other medical condition may be contributing to this phenomenon.

How to Reduce the Risk of Sundowning in Nursing Homes

Sundowning is a condition that causes confusion and agitation in the evening, typically in elderly people with dementia.

It can be treated with light therapy, which is a form of phototherapy. The use of light therapy for dementia has been proven to be an effective treatment for sundowning.

The first step to reduce the risk of sundowning is to provide enough lighting around the nursing home, especially in the evening when it starts getting dark out. This will help prevent confusion and agitation from occurring in patients with dementia.

What is Sundowning and How Does it Affect Those Suffering from Dementia?

Sundowning is a condition that can affect those with dementia. It is the feeling of agitation and anxiety that typically occurs in the late afternoon or evening.

Sundowning is a condition that can affect those with dementia. It is the feeling of agitation and anxiety that typically occurs in the late afternoon or evening. Sundowning can be caused by a number of things, such as changes in routine, lack of stimulation, or even too much stimulation.

Sundowning and its Effects on the Family

Sundowning is a term used to describe the worsening of symptoms such as agitation, confusion and hallucinations in dementia patients during the evening or night.

Sundowning is not a disease in itself, but a phenomenon that can be seen in people with dementia. The deterioration of cognitive functions that occurs at night is what causes sundowning. This phenomenon can be very difficult for families to deal with because it can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels.

Sundown syndrome has been observed in people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. It has been noted that sundown syndrome may worsen if the person does not have enough sleep during the day or if there are disruptions to their routine, such as changes in their living environment or changes in their medication dosage.

Coping with a Loved One’s Symptoms of Sundowner Syndrome

It is difficult to watch a loved one deteriorate. It is even more difficult when that loved one is someone you have known for a long time. When your loved one has dementia, it can be especially hard because there are so many symptoms. One symptom in particular that caregivers often find challenging to cope with is sundowner syndrome. This article will provide some coping strategies for dealing with sundowner syndrome and other symptoms of dementia.

Sundowner syndrome refers to the late-day mood and behavioral changes seen in people with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other dementias. Sundowners are most common among people who are institutionalized or live alone and are usually triggered by the setting of the sun or by disruptions in routine such as evening medications or meals.


Tips for reducing sundowning

  • Keep to a regular routine for going to bed, waking up, having meals and doing things in order to help your baby’s routines improve.
  • A nighttime routine will help you feel drowsy and go to bed at a suitable hour. Try setting your alarm clock with light exposure during the day or just before bedtime.
  • Limit daytime napping.
  • Limit caffeine and sugar to morning hours.
  • Turn on a night light to reduce the level of agitation that occurs as you drift off to sleep. If your surroundings are dark or unfamiliar, this will be useful for feeling more comfortable.
  • In the evening, be sure to turn off your TV and take care of other stimulating activities. Sometimes this can be upsetting if watching tv in bed.
  • When working in a new space that you’re not familiar with, try bringing some of your favorite pictures around to make you feel more at home.
  • Try playing soothing music, like soothing classical compositions or ambient sounds of nature, such as the sound of waves crashing on the shore.

But most of all, hope it never happens to you.


Are we seniors, older adults, or just OldFartAlphas. We have many years left, but we have to put life in those years.

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